Uses of calcium carbonate in the paper industry

Uses of calcium carbonate in the paper industry

calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is one of the most important additives in the paper industry, due to its unique properties that improve the properties of paper and reduce the cost of production. Among its most important uses in the paper industry, we mention the following:

  1. Filler:
  • Improve whiteness and brightness: Calcium carbonate imparts a white color to the paper, making it whiter and brighter. This contributes to improving its appearance and making it more attractive to consumers.
  • Improved absorption: Calcium carbonate helps absorb ink better, reducing spread on paper and improving print quality.
  • Improving thickness and bonding: Calcium carbonate contributes to increasing the thickness of paper and improving the bonding of its fibers, making it more resistant to tearing and deformation.
  • Improved softness to the touch: Calcium carbonate creates a soft feeling when touching the paper, making it more comfortable to use.
  • Reducing the cost of production: Calcium carbonate is a relatively cheap material, which contributes to reducing the cost of paper production.
  1. Coating:
  • Improve gloss: Calcium carbonate adds shine to the surface of paper, making it more attractive to consumers.
  • Improved printability: Calcium carbonate helps improve the printability of paper, resulting in sharper images and lines.
  • Improving water resistance: Calcium carbonate contributes to increasing the water resistance of paper, making it more resistant to moisture and damage.
  1. Other properties:
  • Improving strength: Calcium carbonate enhances the strength of paper and its resistance to tearing.
  • Improved recyclability: Calcium carbonate reduces the fiber content of paper, making it more recyclable.

Types of calcium carbonate used in paper making:

  • Light calcium carbonate: It is characterized by fine particles that give the paper high brightness and appropriate thickness.
  • Heavy Calcium Carbonate: It has larger particles that give the paper high gloss and excellent strength.
  • Modified calcium carbonate: It is processed to improve its properties such as absorption or dispersion.

The effect of using calcium carbonate on the paper industry environment:

  • Reducing fiber consumption: Calcium carbonate reduces the amount of fiber required to produce paper, which preserves forests and reduces the environmental impact of paper making.
  • Reducing energy consumption: Calcium carbonate contributes to reducing energy consumption during the paper manufacturing process.
  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Calcium carbonate reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with paper production.


Calcium carbonate is an essential material in the paper industry, as it contributes to improving the properties of paper, reduces production costs, and preserves the environment.

About the largest company in grinding and producing calcium carbonate Globe Stone Hills

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